Βελτιστοποίηση μετρήσεων ηλεκτρικής τομογραφίας στο πλαίσιο εφαρμογής της διαχρονικής παρακολούθησης φαινομένων
This thesis examines a method for optimizing electrical tomography time lapse measurements. The main purpose of the study was to create and test algorithms that can add extra geoelectrical measurements in a focused area, determined by the user. At first there is an overview of the methods used for finding the optimum data sets using the Jacobian method. These methods are also used as a part of this study to generate optimum data sets. It is known that for the 4D data inversion a set of time lapse measurements is required. A quick view and analysis of these inverted results can give us an image on how a resistivity area related with a host body changes in time, so we can “predict” its future position or shape of the body. Defining an area with high probability of future resistivity change, we can select additional measurement which could enhance the resolution of the particular area. Τhe tests with synthetic models showed that the focused arrays can produce better inversion results compared to the optimized or even full comprehensive data sets. This method has been also tested with real data and it is shown that the method can be a practical tool for measurement protocol creation in real life monitoring problems.
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