Χαρακτηριστικά της σεισμικής δραστηριότητας στην περιοχή του ΝΑ Αιγαίου.
Πιο συγκεκριμένα, οι δομές, οι οποίες σχετίζονται με τους ισχυρούς (Μ>=6.0) σεισμούς καθορίζονται. Η επικεντρική εξάπλωση ήταν σημαντική στον καθορισμό των δομών (ρήγματα, τάφροι, λεκάνες, κλπ.). Τα μέτρα σεισμικότητας (a, b, LogN, Mc) υπολογίζονται και χρησιμοποιούνται στην περιγραφή των σεισμικών χαρακτηριστικών.
In the region of SE Aegean moderate to strong earthquakes often occur and are related with the faults that are known from the historical times. It concerns part of the back arc Aegean Sea, influenced by the subduction of the oceanic lithosphere of the eastern Mediterranean beneath the Aegean microplate. Some of the historical earthquakes and instrumental ones as well, like the very strong 1956 Amorgos earthquake, created tsunamis and were responsible for many disasters. The purpose of this report is the study of seismic activity in this region.
More specifically, the structures, which are related with the strong (M>=6.0) earthquakes, are defined. The epicentral distribution helped in defining the structures (faults, trenches, basins, etc.). The seismicity parameters (a, b, LogN, Mc) were calculated and are used for describing the seismicity characteristics.
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