Συστηματική κατάταξη μικρόσωμων πλειστοκαινικών ελαφοειδών της θέσης Λίβακος (Σιάτιστα)
Λέξεις κλειδιά: Πλειστόκαινο, Dama, συστηματική, ταξινόμηση, εξέλιξη
In summary, the present study presents the evolution of small-sized deer of the Pleistocene, specifically Villafrancian, from Europe, and comparing them with the antlers and lower mandible fossils from Livakos fossil site (W. Macedonia).Τhe aim of the study is to attribute these fossils in one of the known Pleistocenic species. The ancestors of fallow deer are located at the U. Pliocene and they are characterized by primitive dentition and very simple antler morphology in contrast to the complex and remarkably palmated antlers of the fallow deer. The taxonomy was based on the morphological characters of the antlers and the lower dentition, which along with the measurements from the sample of Livakos led to more accurate and detailed comparison.
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