Εφαρμογές της μεθόδου της ηλεκτρικής τομογραφίας στην μελέτη χώρων απόθεσης απορριμμάτων
A remarkable problem which appears in an ex waste disposal site and requires immediate sollution, is the creation of leachate plumes, that mainly transfect the ground water and the wider area, too. This problem was observed at the waste disposal site of Derveni, after the restoration of the area in 2006. The main subject of this dissertation, regards to the use of geophysical electrical methods, aiming the location of the cause that creates leachate plumes, so that the problem can be solved. In the investigation area, hydrogeological surveys and geological mapping were conducted by the geophysical sector of Aristotle university of Thessaloniki. So, relying on the hydrology and the tectonics of the above area, electrical geophysical methods were used and specifically the dipole-dipole array, in order to study the underground structures. The final results were extracted based on the interpretation of the electrical resistivity tomographies and also the hydrogeological and geological information.
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