Αξιολόγηση σχέσεων υπολογισμού μεγεθών από τις καταγραφές του Ε.Ε.Δ.Σ.
Λέξεις κλειδιά: Τοπικό μέγεθος, Ενιαίο Εθνικό Δίκτυο Σεισμογράφων, μέγεθος σεισμικής ροπής.
Over the last years, ML estimation in Greece is based on synthetic Wood-Anderson recordings of the digital broadband stations of the Hellenic Unified Seismic Network (H.U.S.N.) using the relation proposed by Hutton and Boore (1987). This relationship uses values of the geometrical spreading factor and the anelastic attenuation coefficient derived for the territory of southern California. The resulted values of local magnitude, ML, are, as expected, compatible with the corresponding seismic moment magnitude values, Mw, nevertheless they exhibit some deviations
Recent research (Scordilis et al., 2016) has shown that the values of these parameters, reflecting the attenuation of seismic waves, are slightly different in the broader area of Greece, suggesting a new relation for the estimation of local magnitude, ML, in Greece. In the present study, these two relations (Hutton and Boore, 1987 and Scordilis et al., 2016) are evaluated by calculating the local magnitude, ML, of the earthquakes of a data set composed of 270 recent earthquakes that occurred in the broader area of Greece from January 2014 to May 2016 for which moment magnitude estimations were available. Then, comparisons are attempted to examine the consistency of the magnitudes resulting from these relations with the corresponding moment magnitudes, while their possible dependence on both the "size" of the earthquakes and the hypocentral distances is examined.
Keywords: Local magnitude, Hellenic Unified Seismic Network, seismic moment magnitude.
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Δικτυακοί Τόποι
Γεωδυναμικό Ινστιτούτο του Εθνικού Αστεροσκοπείου Αθηνών
Εργαστήριο Σεισμολογίας Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών
European Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC)
Global Centroid Moment Tensor Project
German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ)
International Seismological Center (ISC)
Σεισμολογικός Σταθμός του Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης
Τμήμα Γεωλογίας Α.Π.Θ., Ηλεκτρονικά Μαθήματα
Εισερχόμενη Αναφορά
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