Γεωχημική έρευνα για την αναζήτηση Σπανίων Γαιών στο γρανίτη Παρανεστίου (Μάζα Ροδόπης)
The sampling for this current study was conducted in the region of Paranesti, Drama in N. Greece. The subject of the sampling was the two mica granite (Paranesti granite) that constitutes the eastern part of the BBESP plutonic intrusion. The BBESP pluton intruded the Rhodope Massif approximately at Paleocene-Eocene. Fifteen samples were collected, of which twelve were used for the preparation of thin polished sections and for the chemical analyses. The studied samples consist of granitic and pegmatitic rocks with the sampling region being in the proximity of old drillholes, performed by IGME in search of uranium mineralization. The mineralogical composition includes quartz, plagioclase, microcline, biotite and muscovite. The hydrothermal activity has been imprinted through the existence of bleached biotites, sericitization, chloritization, dark quartz veins, calcite veins and disseminated dark quartz and pyrite. In three thin sections REE minerals have been recognized with the use of SEM. The minerals include allanite, monazonite and undefined REE oxides. Secondary origin of monazite and undefined REE minerals are suggested based on the SEM images. Rutile is commonly found in intergrown with the REE minerals. No uranium minerals were detected. The REE concentration values range between 17.43-287.3ppm. Comparing to the reported REE concentration in other studies, only one sample is enriched in REE while 9 samples have values lower than the average mean. Thorium and uranium exhibit positive linear correlation with the REE. Taking into consideration all the available data, no conclusions can be made about the relationship of the uranium mineralization with the REE and about a possible existence of REE mineralization. Further studies must be conducted in order to determine the relationship of uranium and REE. An initial hypothesis involves the REE extraction from primary minerals under the influence of post-magmatic fluids and the re-deposition under favorable geochemical conditions.
Πλήρες Κείμενο:
Έντυπη Βιβλιογραφία
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Rare Earth Elements (2011) Ανακτήθηκε από www.mineralsUK.com
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