Προσδιορισμός μονοδιάστατου μοντέλου ταχύτητας με την αντιστροφή δεδομένων μικροθορύβου μονού σταθμού και συνδυαστική ερμηνεία με ανεξάρτητες γεωλογικές, γεωτεχνικές και γεωφυσικές πληροφορίες
While the assessment of the shear-wave velocity has been recognized as an important parameter for ground motion simulations since the early 70s, and several seismic hazard and building codes have incorporated its use for site-effects assessment on ground-motions (typically through Vs30), obtaining Vs estimates remains a demanding task. Most techniques derive local 1-D Vs models using active sources methods, either using boreholes or surface measurements, with each approach having its merits and drawbacks. In all cases, the use of active sources, and especially boreholes, increases the time/cost demands and limit the method applicability in demanding environments (e.g. urban). During the last decades ambient noise data have been increasingly used for shallow Vs structure study. The obvious added value of ambient noise data is that they also provide indirect information on surface layers properties. We explore here the applicability of single-station HVSR curve inversion to determine the local 1D Vs structure. While HVSR data collection is extremely cost-efficient, its relation to Rayleigh wave ellipticity has been questioned, while ellipticity inversions are notoriously non-unique. The main motivation behind our work is based on the recent findings by Hobiger et al. (2013), who showed that if the shallow velocity profile is known, the uniqueness of the ellipticity inversion is severely improved. Since shallow information can be directly derived from small-scale active source or passive tests, or indirectly assessed from other (geophysical, geotechnical or geological) information, it is interesting to evaluate this approach at a practical level. Single station ambient noise measurements were performed at 73 calibration sites of Northern Greece, selected from the database of Stewart et al. (2014) which includes independently information on the local 1D Vs structure and geology. Measurements were mainly performed with the use of a conventional noise acquisition system, and HVSR curves were calculated with the Geopsy software (Wathelet et al., 2008). The reliability of the HVSR curves as proxies for Rayleigh wave ellipticity has been checked using the approach of Hobiger et al.(2008). HVSR curve inversions have been performed by constraining the average shear-wave velocity of the first 5 m (Vs5), as provided from the database information. An automated inversion procedure was developed, allowing the method application even by non-experts. The reliability of the obtained 1D Vs models has been assessed by direct comparison with the database, focusing on information such as the inferred seismic bedrock depth. Moreover, Vs30 results from the HVSR inversions were compared with the actual Vs30 database reference values, as well as Vs30 estimates from Vs5 proxies following Stewart et al. (2014). The results suggest that the inversion of HVSR curves using Vs5 constraints can lead, in almost all cases, to significantly improved Vs30 estimates for stiffer formations (EC8, soil class B), while providing also improved Vs30 assessments for several softer (EC8, soil class C) sites. These observations suggest that the inversion of HVSR data can be considered as a supplementary tool for efficient, large-scale/low-cost Vs30 estimations, employing a simple data-collection strategy and a minimal amount of data processing and interpretation.
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