Εφαρμογή της μεθόδου του φυσικού δυναμικού στην διευρεύνηση του μηχανισμού λειτουργίας των γεωθερμικών πηγών Αγκίστρου, Σερρών. = Contribution of self potential measurements to the study of the mechanism of Aggistro thermal springs.
Η συμβολή των δύο επιστημών, της γεωθερμίας και της γεωφυσικής, είναι πολύ σημαντική για την μελέτη των θερμών πηγών που αποτελούν σημείο ενδιαφέροντος για τον άνθρωπο, καθώς βοηθάει όχι μόνο στην σωστότερη εκμετάλλευσή τους αλλά και στην προστασία τους.
The present project is outcome of the assignment of the Bachelor Thesis, a course of the school of geology and the department of geophysics. It has to do with the analysis of an applied geophysics method, in particular the electrical method of self-potential. The aim of this Thesis is the studying of the mechanism of Aggistro thermal springs.
The purpose of this Thesis is to study the contribution of the Self Potential method to geothermal survey. The outflow of the geothermal fluids at the thermal springs of Aggistro (Serres, Northern Greece) is examined by the self potential geoelectric method as a case study.
In the begining of the Thesis, the mechanisms of self-potential generation are described while detailed description is attempted to the Sp anomalies related with geothermal activity. After that, the description of the springs and the existing information on the geology is given.
The final chapter of the dissertation is dedicated to the application of the method to the field. The planning of the fieldwork, the recording of the data and the processing that followed and finally the distribution of the self potential is presented in maps.
Positive SP anomalies are related with the upwards flow of the thermal fluid to the springs as well to the artesian well drilled in 2016.
Simirarly, negative anomalies can be considered as areas where percolation of meteoric water is taking place.
Taking account these two observations arised by SP data of this work, we can also point out the importance of the Sp geophysical method to the study of the mechanism of thermal springs since its contribution can help to the better exploitation of the geothermal energy in parallel to their protection.
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