Εκτίμηση δυναμικού ρευστοποιήσης σε επιλεγμένες θέσεις στην Taiwan με βάση δεδομένα από επι-τόπου δοκιμές. = Liquefaction potential estimation in Taiwan with in-situ tests.
Liquefaction refers to the process by which water-saturated sandy soils lose their shear strength due to the progressive accumulation of aqueous over presses of pores. Liquefaction can cause serious damage, which is why this phenomenon is one of the main problems that a geologist has to solve. The phenomenon of liquefaction occurs mainly in earthquakes above 6.5 Richter and can cause deformations and displacements. If the intensity of the phenomenon as well as the duration is great then it will cause significant damage to buildings (schools, hospitals), technical works, pavements and slopes, which can take catastrophic dimensions like the 1999 earthquake in Taiwan. In Greece, although the phenomenon has not been so large, small land failures have been recorded as a consequence of the liquefaction in areas such as Lefkada after the earthquake of 2003. Specifically, the present paper explores the phenomenon of the liquefaction of the soil formations both in general and especially in the areas of Yuanlin, Nantou and Wufeng, in which the phenomenon of liquefaction is intensely observed due to the large earthquake that occurred in 1999 with magnitude of 7.6 on Richter scale, in Taiwan . Finally, a detailed description is made of soil sensitivity estimation methods that are susceptible to liquefaction with the help of geotechnical software in conjunction with drillings obtained from the above areas.
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