Ορυκτολογική σύσταση και φυσικοχημικές ιδιότητες των μαρμάρων Πύργων Δράμας. = Mineralogical composition and physicochemical properties of marbles from Pirgon area of Drama.
This study presents the marble. More specifically it refers to the white marble of the Pirgon area of Drama. The sedimentary rocks, limestone and dolomite, are source rocks for the marble. The marble also forms after the metamorphosis of sedimentary rocks and its main minerals are calcite and dolomite. The area of Pirgon Drama, belongs to the Rhodope massive, which is mainly of continental origin and alternates with ocean origin rocks. The Rhodope massive consists of the Sideronero unit and the Pangaion unit. More specifically, Drama belongs to the Pangaion unit and consists mainly of metamorphic rocks of greenschist facies, in which acid rocks penetrated.
The color of the marbles in the area of Drama is mainly white of dolomitic or calcitic composition. In the area of Pirgon Drama the marbles are dolomitic. The macroscopic and microscopic study of the marbles in the area of Pirgon Drama, revealed that in many samples, small grains of opaque minerals are present. The study at the SEM and at the metallographic microscope, showed that the opaque minerals consist mainly of limonite, which is originated from the original pyrite. The micro-analyses of dolomite showed that the molecular proportions of MgCO3 and CaCO3 range between 50,01-54,60% and 45,21-49,59%, respectively. The calcite contains very low percentages of MgO (0,01-2%). The micro-analyses of rutile, rare elements were observed, such as Nb, Ta and W. The last chapter deals with the mechanical and the physicochemical properties of the marbles of Greece, as well as the mechanical properties of the marbles from the Pirgon area of Drama.
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