Παλαιοντολογική και στρωματογραφική μελέτη Νουμμουλιτοφόρων αποθέσεων του Ελλαδικού χώρου.
In the present study, the micropaleontological content and the depositional environment of the Eocene-lower Oligocene is investigated in six different formations in the greek province (Kirki Thrace, Vassiliki Trikala, Perivoli Grevena, Manoliasa Ioannina, Dervenakia and Tripoli). Studied areas were chosen in order to depict a representative sample of each geotectonic zone, in which nummulitic sediments have been bibliographically reported. The assemblages consist of large benthic foraminifera, such as Nummulites, Alveolina, Discocyclina, Assilina, Miliolidae and by algae. The main object is the study of the genus Nummulites. The material that was collected from the areas of Vassiliki, Perivoli, Manoliasa, Tripoli and Dervenakia was examined in thin sections. However those collected in the area of Kirki were individual specimens, so they were examined in polished sections. Nummulites were described with detailed biometric analysis of their full spectrum. The measurements and the morphological characteristics of the Nummulites were compared to previous studies that took place in Greece and in general to the international bibliography, in order of identification and biostratigraphically determination of the investigated strata.
Ten species were identified: Nummulites fabianii Prever, Nummulites atacicus D’ Archiac and Haime, Nummulites millecaput Boubée, Nummulites partschi De la Harpe, Nummulites soerebergensis Schaub, Nummulites tauricus De la Harpe Nummulites boussaci Rozlozsnik, Nummulites aturicus Joly and Leymerie, Nummulites fichteli Michelotti, and Nummulites nitidus De la Harpe. Nummulites characterize shallow-marine environments and they mainly represent carbonate platforms. This study is an effort to identify autochthonous and allochthonous Nummulites populations and the different facies of the depositional model, based on the abrasion of their tests.
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