Αξιολόγηση παραμετροποιήσεων μικροφυσικής σε αριθμητικό μοντέλο πρόγνωσης καιρού. = Evaluation of microphysical parameterization schemes with the use of a numerical weather prediction model.
Στην παρούσα Μεταπτυχιακή Διατριβή Ειδίκευσης πραγματοποιούνται προσομοιώσεις ευαισθησίας για τη μελέτη της συμπεριφοράς του μοντέλου WRF και της αλληλεπίδρασης ανάμεσα στις μικροφυσικές διεργασίες τριών διαφορετικών σχημάτων της μικροφυσικής των νεφών, κατά την προσομοίωση ενός ισχυρού επεισοδίου έντονης βροχόπτωσης που σημειώθηκε στις 21 Μαΐου 2016. Ως περιοχή μελέτης επιλέχθηκε η Κεντρική Μακεδονία (πιο συγκεκριμένα οι νομοί Ημαθίας και Πέλλας).Το αίτιο δημιουργίας του έντονου επεισοδίου της βροχόπτωσης είναι δυναμικό και οφείλεται στην παρουσία ενός κλειστού βαρομετρικού χαμηλού στην ισοβαρική επιφάνεια των 500 hPa. Πραγματοποιήθηκαν τρεις (3) προσομοιώσεις με τρία (3) διαφορετικά σχήματα μικροφυσικής των νεφών. Αρχικά με το WSM6 – WRFSinglemoment 6-Classmicrophysicsscheme που θεωρείται ως προσομοίωση αναφοράς (controlexperiment), ενώ για τις προσομοιώσεις ευαισθησίας (sensitivityexperiments) χρησιμοποιήθηκαν δυο άλλα σχήματα μικροφυσικής, το WDM6 – WRFDoublemoment 6-Classmicrophysicsscheme και το GoddardSinglemoment 6-Classmicrophysicsscheme. Τα αποτελέσματα των δυο προσομοιώσεων συγκρίνονται με το controlπείραμα, για παραμέτρους όπως: η συνολική ημερήσια βροχόπτωση, η ανακλαστικότητα, η αναλογία μίγματος του νερού των νεφών (QCLOUD) και η συνολική ποσότητα παγοσωματιδίων τύπου graupel. Για τις αριθμητικές προσομοιώσεις του φαινομένου της παρούσης εργασίας χρησιμοποιήθηκε ένα σύγχρονο αριθμητικό μοντέλο πρόγνωσης καιρού μέσης κλίμακας το μοντέλο Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF-ARW έκδοση 3.5.1).
The aim of this study is to examine the interaction between microphysical parameterization schemes, on the representation of an extreme precipitation event over the region of Central Macedonia. The simulations have been performed with the high resolution non-hydrostatic WRF – ARW v3.5.1 numerical weather prediction model. This heavy precipitation event associated with the appearance of a closed low upper-air synoptic circulation type, occurred on 21 May 2016, affecting Central Macedonia, in northern Greece. Three microphysical schemes are utilized in the sensitivity experiments. The WSM6 – WRF Single moment 6-Class microphysics scheme considered as control experiment, whereas for sensitivity experiments were used the other two microphysical parameterization schemes, WDM6 – WRF Double moment 6-Class microphysics scheme and Goddard Single moment 6-Class microphysics scheme. Simulations with the three bulk microphysical parameterization schemes showed that differences between them were considerable and microphysics has a major impact on the organization and precipitation processes.Contemporary atmospheric numerical models contain a variety of microphysical parameterization schemes in order to represent the various atmospheric processes that take place in sub-grid scales. The choice of the appropriate combination of such schemes is a challenging task not only for research, but also for operational purposes. This choice becomes an important decision in cases of high impact weather in which the forecast errors are expected to be large. The results are compared with the control experiment and the differences for total precipitation, reflectivity and profiles of hydrometeors are discussed. In summary, graupel processes appear to play an important role in determining the storm structure. Finally, it is noted that the WSM6 scheme exhibit much large amounts of cloud water in comparison to profiles from the other two schemes.
The aim of this study is to examine the interaction between microphysical parameterization schemes, on the representation of an extreme precipitation event over the region of Central Macedonia. The simulations have been performed with the high resolution non-hydrostatic WRF – ARW v3.5.1 numerical weather prediction model. This heavy precipitation event associated with the appearance of a closed low upper-air synoptic circulation type, occurred on 21 May 2016, affecting Central Macedonia, in northern Greece. Three microphysical schemes are utilized in the sensitivity experiments. The WSM6 – WRF Single moment 6-Class microphysics scheme considered as control experiment, whereas for sensitivity experiments were used the other two microphysical parameterization schemes, WDM6 – WRF Double moment 6-Class microphysics scheme and Goddard Single moment 6-Class microphysics scheme. Simulations with the three bulk microphysical parameterization schemes showed that differences between them were considerable and microphysics has a major impact on the organization and precipitation processes.Contemporary atmospheric numerical models contain a variety of microphysical parameterization schemes in order to represent the various atmospheric processes that take place in sub-grid scales. The choice of the appropriate combination of such schemes is a challenging task not only for research, but also for operational purposes. This choice becomes an important decision in cases of high impact weather in which the forecast errors are expected to be large. The results are compared with the control experiment and the differences for total precipitation, reflectivity and profiles of hydrometeors are discussed. In summary, graupel processes appear to play an important role in determining the storm structure. Finally, it is noted that the WSM6 scheme exhibit much large amounts of cloud water in comparison to profiles from the other two schemes.
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