Ορυκτολογική και ορυκτοχημική μελέτη των εμφανίσεων μελίλιθου από τη ζώνη skarn στη Μαρώνεια, Ροδόπης, Θράκη, = Minerological and geochmeical study of the melilite from the skarn zone of Maronia Rhodope, Thrace.
The purpose of this diploma thesis is the mineralogical and geochemical study of melilite which occurs in the skarn of the Maronia pluton in Thrace. The Maronia pluton, which has a composition of monzogabbro, penetrates the rocks of the Makri unit that belongs to the Circum Rhodope Belt, resulting in the creation of a contact zone. To the east, the pluton intrudes calcareous phyllites forming hornfels while to the west it intrudes marbles forming a skarn zone. The skarn is rich in calcium and aluminum, but poor in iron. Melilite occurs in the exoskarn of the contact zone. According to the study of the samples, melilite is in paragenesis along with garnet of grossular - andradite composition, wollastonite, pyroxene and vesuvianite in some cases. Melilites are solid solutions of soda-melilite [CaNaAl(Si2O7)], gehlenite [Ca2(Al,Mg)(AlSiO7)] and akermanite [Ca2Mg(Si2O7)]. Microanalyses showed that melilite has high aluminum content, therefore shows the composition of gehlenite. Melilites which present the composition of gehlenite are considered to have metamorphic origin. Certain melilite crystals exhibited zoning, with the composition of melilite ranging from gehlenite in the core to akermanite in the rim. Melilite occurrence indicates low pressures and high temperatures of formation, up to 900 oC. The assemblage of melilite and garnet points to conditions of formation at temperatures between 700 – 840 oC, pressure at 1 kb and XCO2 = 0,3 - 0,6.
Πλήρες Κείμενο:
Ελληνική Βιβλιογραφία
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