Γεωφυσικές μετρήσεις με τη μέθοδο φυσικού δυναμικού (SP) και VLF στην περιοχή της Περιστεράς, Ν. Θεσσαλονίκης. = Geophysical measurements with the Self-Potential (SP) and VLF method in the Peristera area of Thessaloniki.
Knowledge of the geological structure of the Earth is very important and useful for any kind of exploitation activities. For this reason, various geophysical methods have been proposed, in order to extensively study the interior of the Earth and identify important structures such as faults, ancient objects, etc. In our case, geophysical methods of exploration were carried out for the study of the subsoil of the Peristeras area in the prefecture of Thessaloniki. The electrical method of Self Potential and the VLF electromagnetic method were used to identify faults in the area. Initially, after arriving in the area we designed a plan for the direction of our routes. At first, we used the VLF method and we performed measurements in three parallel VLF lines at N-S direction and one at Ε-W direction (WADI instrument was used). Then, applying the SP method, we performed two parallel lines with N-S direction. Then we processed our measurements. For the presentation of VLF data we used the SECTOR program and we created the graphs of raw and filtered data, as well as the 2D current density distribution. The Excel program was used to plot the SP measurements, drawing graphs of potential over length. Finally, map was created for the data representation in order to draw conclusions about the possible geological structures of the study area.Two fracture systems have been detected. The southern one is locates more accurately the hypothetical fault that is drawn in the geological map of IGME (scale 1:50.000) while the northern one is not known and it is revealed only by the VLF method. In addition, the interpretation of the VLF filtered data points out that it is possible that this fault is aquiferous.
Πλήρες Κείμενο:
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