Ορυκτολογική, πετρογραφική και γεωχημική μελέτη λίθικων εργαλείων από την Νεολιθική ανασκαφή στο Μεγάλο Νησί Γαλάνης Κοζάνης. = Mineralogical, petrographic and geochemical study of stone tools from the Neolithic excavation at Megalo Nisis Galanis in Kozani.
During the Neolithic period in Greece, which dates back to 6800-3200 B.C., many settlements were formed in several places of Greece. These Neolithic settlements began to come to light after numerous excavations. Those excavations brought up to the surface several artifacts used at that time as well. From all of these settlements and the various objects that have been found in Greece, in this particular thesis we will be concerned with the cutting edged tools excavated from the Neolithic settlement of Megalo Nisi Galanis in the area of Kozani More specifically, a mineralogical and geochemical study has been done in seven samples from seven different tools collected from the research area. The research methods used to extract results were: polarizing microscopy and chemical analyses with, X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). As it will be shown in detail below, it is observed that the inhabitants of the settlement had a certain preference regarding raw materials for the construction of their treble tools, which is directly related to their usefulness. To explain further, the raw materials used for the construction of the cutting tools differ greatly from those used for the manufacture of friction ones. Regarding the origin of the raw materials for the construction of the tools, they were found to be indigenous and come exclusively from the region of Kozani and especially in Megalo Nisi Galanis.
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