Μελέτη των μεγίστων και ελαχίστων θερμοκρασιών για τη Θεσσαλονίκη, Αθήμα και Ηράκλειο κατά τη περιόδο 1971-2100 με τη χρήση το δυναμικού περιοχικού μοντέλου REGCM4. = On the study of the maximum and minimum temperatures for three urban cities in Greece, Athens, Thessaloniki and Heraklio using an updated regional climate model.
The scope of the present study is the analysis of the maximum and minimum temperatures of Thessaloniki, Athens and Heraklion during the period 1971-2100 using the regional model REGCM4. On the first step of the analysis, the average maximum and average minimum temperatures of Thessaloniki, Athens and Heraklion from 1971 to 2100, where calculated with the help of a dynamic regional model, in order to assess the model’s ability to simulate the present state of these parameters during a reference period. Moreover, on the second step of the study, the future changes in the selected parameters where estimated both in the near and in the distant future. This present work consists of the introduction, the first chapter, the second chapter and the third chapter. The introduction refers to the general climate change as well as the purpose of the work. The first chapter refers to the study of the temperature of the Athens station .The subsections of this chapter refer to the study of the temperature on an annual , seasonal and on a monthly basis .The second chapter refers to the study of the temperature of the Thessaloniki station both on a seasonal and on a monthly basis .Finally ,the third chapter analyzes the temperature of the Heraklion station , on an annual ,on a seasonal and on a monthly basis .This research helped us to result in conclusions about the range of the temperature in the distant future.
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