Μεταβολή των δομικών χαρακτηριστικών του ελληνικού ατταπουλγίτη μετά την θέρμανση
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to study the Greek attapulgite before and after heating in order to ascertain the structural changes caused by heating and how they affect its properties. Starting and heat-treated samples are of factory type and taken from the facilities of the GEOHELLAS A.M.M.E.E. in Knidi, Grevena. The samples were studied mineralogically using the X-ray diffractometry method. A detailed study of the clay mineralogy was also made in order to find the different clay mineral phases. Crystallographic study of the attapulgite structure and its changing after heating were measured using the CHECKCELL software. It has been found that the amount of the attapulgite in the starting and heated sample does not show significant differentiation. The heat treated attapulgite sample is more stable during the treatments for the determination of the clay mineral phases in the studied samples. In addition, the structure of the attapulgite is shrunk parallel to the axis of growth of the needle-like framework leading to a reduction in the unit cell volume. As regards the properties of attapulgite, dehydration and subsequent dehydroxylating thereof in combination with the rearrangement-shrinkage of its structure improve its filtering properties due to the increase in the surface activity of the mineral and also the increase of the empty space within and between the needle-like morphology.
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