Μελέτη απόλιθωμάτων αρκούδας από το σπήλαιο Λουτρών Αλμωπίας με χρήση ισοτοπικών μεθόδων και διαγενετικλων δεικτών: μια νέα προσέγγιση των παλαιοπεριβαλλοντικών συνθηκών = Study of bear fossils from Loutra Almopias cave by the use of isotopic and diagenetic indices: a new approach of the palaeoenvironmental conditions.
This dissertation studies fossil bones and teeth of the cave bear U. ingressus from Loutra Almopias Cave (Greece), in order to collect information egarding the diet of this extinct species as well as the reconstruction of the palaeoenvironmental conditions. Aiming to decipher the suitability of the ossil samples and the authenticity of their isotopic signal, a thorough diagenetic study was undertaken. Subsequently, isotopic analysis took place ncluding fossil bones and teeth, modern bones and teeth, surface waters for the modern habitat of brown bear (Ursus arctos) and surface waters from he region of Loutra Almopias Cave. The diagenetic study comprised the study of the fossil samples by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform nfrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Similar analytical approach was applied to the modern samples in order to use he results as reference and also to decipher their reliability, in cases of scarce information. Based on the multimethodological results, their relationships, he parameters that were calculated and their correlation with the isotopic results, specific samples were discarded from the isotopic study, due to the iagenetically altered original isotopic fingerprint. The palaeoenvironmental reconstruction was developed based on the rest of the sample collection.In he context of the isotopic study (δ 13 C και δ 18 Ο), the inorganic part (bioapatite) of the fossil and modern bones and teeth was analyzed. The isotopic ratios of carbon were used for the palaeodiet determination, comparing the results with literature data of European Pleistocene arctoids as well as with he modern brown bear. The carbon isotope composition showed that U. ingressus was mainly an omnivorous animal, with terrestrial or more possibly quatic protein in its diet. In the contrary, the dominant herbivorous diet of modern brown bear is confirmed, with minor protein component. Based on the oxygen isotopic signal of the ioapatite of the modern brown bear, the waters from its habitat and the bioapatite of the fossil samples of the U. ingressus, certain relationships were stablished that connect the oxygen isotope ratio of bones and teeth with the water that U. ingressus consumed. Those relationships include the consumed ater as the sole modulating factor of the body isotope composition. The palaeoclimatic reconstruction indicates colder conditions in comparison to the odern ones in Loutra Almopias Cave area. This conclusion is in accordance with the age of the fossil samples (42.361 years cal BP)
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