Παρασκευή και χαρακτηρισμός σφαιριδίων ζεολιθικού τόφφου = Production and characterization of zeolitic tuff’s pellets.
The zeolite tuff used in this work contains a HEU-type zeolite (clinoptilolite-heulandite). By the extrusion / spheronization method, zeolite and microcrystalline cellulose pellets were prepared. The extrusion / spheronisation process comprises 5 successive steps: (a) dry blending, (b) wet granulation, (c) extrusion, (d) spheronization, (e) drying the microspheres. Four experimental tests were performed with a mixture ratio of 80-20%, 90-10%, 95-5%, 100-0% w / w zeolitic tuff / microcrystalline cellulose. Each experimental test includes some batches with the same blend ratio but a different extrusion size and / or pelletizing disc. Pellets production was successful in all experimental tests except the latter in a ratio of 100-0% w / w zeolitic tuff / microcrystalline cellulose. The mineral composition was studied by X-ray diffractometry (XRD). The original material contains 89% v w/w HEU-type zeolite, 4% w/w mica + clay minerals, 5% w/w feldspars and 2% w/w quartz + cristobalite. The AMAS method determined the sorption ability of the zeolitic tuff at 198 meq / 100g. The zeolitic tuff is depleted with respect to the average composition of the continental crust in all the main elements. The trace elements Ba, Sr, Rb, Cs and As are the most abundant of zeolitic tuff (779-115 ppm), followed by Zr, Ce, Pb, Zn, La, Th, Nd and Y (76-19 ppm), and U, V, Cr, Sb, Cu, Ni, Sm, Hf, Sc, Be and Lu (7.3-0.38 ppm). The concentrations of the remaining trace elements are below the detection limit of each element. The study of the X-ray patterns of the pellets showed that there was no destruction of the zeolite crystals during the pellets production, and a preferred orientation of the zeolite crystals according to (100) edge is clear. For the characterization of the pellets, morphological study was initially performed by a stereoscopic method in a combination of suitable image analysis software for a more detailed assessment of the shape. From the stereoscopic study it appears that the size of the pellets is affected by the reduction of the amount of microcrystalline cellulose in the mixture, the necessary liquid (water) as well as the size of the frame in the extrusion stage and the disk in the spheronization stage. With respect to the shape, it is found that the sphericity value of all samples is close to the unit, with the samples of the second experimental test with a ratio of 90% zeolitic tuff - 10% microcrystalline cellulose being characterized more globular. The estimation of the mechanical strength of the produced pellets was done by determining the friability using a grain friability measurement device. The lowest brittleness value was present in the pellets at a ratio of 90-10% w/w of zeolitic tuff / microcrystalline cellulose. By the nitrogen method (BET isotherm), the porosity and specific surface area of each mixture and the starting material were determined. According to the measurements of isothermal nitrogen, all samples belong to the IV isotherm, which is characteristic of mesoporous solids. The specific surface area is 10.1-12.7 (m² / g) with a maximum value observed for the mixture 90% zeolitic tuff-10% w/w microcrystalline cellulose. This mixture ( 90-10% w/w zeolitic tuff - microcrystalline cellulose) is the ideal proportion for pellet preparation with significan
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