Μελέτη και στατιστική ανάλυση της διάρκειας των εποχών στον Ευρωπαϊκό χώρο = On the study and the statistical analysis of the season time-length over the European region
This study main objective is to meet the arising questions concerning the potential changes in the duration of seasonal structure and the respective climatic features by investigating the seasonal time length expansion or shrinkage in the area of Europe. Particular emphasis was placed on the shrinkage of intermediate seasons (spring and autumn) and the relevant expansion of the summer duration. The overall impact of seasonal changes was analyzed in terms of a variety of human activities (economy, tourism, agriculture etc.) under the scope of the possible new seasonal behavior via a thorough statistical analysis of climatic data. For this purpose, daily average, maximum and minimum temperature data were used that were derived from 367 stations in 29 European countries, for the period 1961-2017. For each of these time series, the corresponding 5-day average was calculated for each year (73 5-day intervals), with a special emphasis on the 5-day intervals that belong to the spring and autumn. The anomalies of these 5-day intervals were then calculated against a reference period, which covers the years 1971-2000. Subsequently, the trend of each of the 5-day interval was calculated, along with its statistical significance, in order to investigate whether each 5-day intervals of the mean, maximum and minimum temperature have changed over the years. A key finding of this study is the fact that for the most stations studied the 5-day intervals tend to be warmer in both seasons, especially in the case of spring. This warming in the majority of the 5-day intervals is characterized by statistical significance, a fact that reinforces the conclusion that the summer season tends to expand, in such a way that spring and autumn time length tend to shrink.
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