Η σεισμική ακολουθία της Λέσβου 2017: μελέτη σεισμικότητας, σεισμικής επικινδυνότητας και προσομοίωση της ισχυρής σεισμικής κίνησης = The 2017 Lesvos earthquake sequence: strong ground motion simulation, seismicity and seismic hazard assessment.
The current thesis concerns three different aspects of seismology, seismicity, seismic hazard assessment and strong ground motion simulation for the island of Lesvos. In the first and introductory chapter the island’s geology, tectonics, historical earthquakes and the seismic sequence of June 2017 are discussed. In Chapter 2 some theoretical concepts regarding time independent seismicity are mentioned, which are later applied into two separate catalogs which extend over the time intervals 1995-2017 and 1911-2016. Chapter 3 deals with probabilistic seismic hazard assessment. The method’s basic principles are described in detail, and then the method is applied for the island of Lesvos using the logic tree approach .Finally, chapter 4 deals with strong ground motion simulation, initially retrospectively using existing records, and then for the location of Vrisa, which was hit the hardest by the Mw=6.3 earthquake. The basic theoretical concepts of the method are also mentioned. The fifth and final chapter discusses the results of this work and outlines the conclusions that can be drawn from them.
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