Ανάλυση Δικτύων Πληγεισών Περιοχών για την Υποστήριξη των Λειτουργιών Διανομής σε Ανθρωπιστικές Αλυσίδες Εφοδιασμού = Network Analysis at Disaster-Affected Areas for Supporting Distribution Operations in Humanitarian Supply Chains.
We choose to begin our work by thoroughly explaining some theoretical information related to supply chain and humanitarian supply chain. We also examine, information concerning “Network Science” and “Information Theory” such as centrality metrics and entropy. Furthermore, based on statistical analysis of data, we deal correlations and dependencies. Also, we underline the importance of artificial neural networks in quantitative analysis of our research. In the second chapter, we include a detailed literature review concerning possible disasters, caused either by humans or by nature, according to network science. There is also the presentation of previous analysis related to “attacks” against different categories of networks, as well as, the use of the suitable centrality metrics as far as a crisis is concerned. In the third chapter, we deal with the methods of facing uncertain disasters as a network. In fact, we produce empirical data from several random networks, and we also estimate centrality metrics and distribution cost, as a typical “Travel Salesman Problem”. We also, detect correlations and dependencies of the chosen variables in order to implement “attacks” against the links of important nodes in real networks. Furthermore, we carry out simulations by using “Deep Learning Artificial Neural Networks” so as to detect the suitable node for the distribution center installation. To conclude, we finally implement the results of the quantitative analysis in the case of a network which concerns affected areas in Japan, so as to offer humanitarian support. We actually, combine the results of correlations and dependencies with the predictive ability of the “Neural Network” so as to predict and choose the suitable distribution center after next “attacks” against the links of important nodes in the network.
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