Βελτιστοποίηση Γεωτρητικών Ρευστών με Ενσωμάτωση Νανοσωματιδίων.
Λέξεις κλειδιά: Γεωτρητικά ρευστά, Νανορευστά, Νανοσωματίδια οξειδίου σιδήρου
In recent years, several attempts have been made to develop improved drilling fluids using nanoparticles, especially for high pressure and high temperature (HPHT) environment. The addition, even at low concentrations of magnetite nanoparticles, reduces the “fluid loss” in the formation, while at the same time maintains the stability or even improves the rheological properties of the bentonite aqueous suspensions. The effect of the nanoparticles increases when they are coated with citric acid. In order to further optimize the drilling fluids, magnetic nanoparticles (NPs) were synthesized and coated with various organic compounds, such as citric acid, oxalic acid, fatty acids, dextran etc. The samples were examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD), BET and FTIR spectroscopy. It was found that in all cases, magnetite nanocrystallites were formed, with an average particle size of 10-15nm. The FTIR spectra showed that all the organic compounds added, were chemically bonded to the surface of the NPs. The prepared NPs were incorporated in aqueous bentonite solutions at several concentrations. The rheological properties of bentonite suspensions to which the NPs were added were compared with the properties of pure bentonite suspensions. Through shear stress measurements as a function of shear rate, it was found that the addition of coated magnetic NPs did not significantly modify the behavior of the fluids in the borehole, ensuring stable rheological properties.
Key words: Drilling fluids, nanofluids, Iron oxide Nanoparticles
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