Τεκτονική και μορφολογική μελέτη του ρήγματος Καβας - Ξάνθης = Structural and morphological study of Kavala - Xathi's fault.
The structure of Rhodope massif consists of a complex structure. The rocks that form this mass are rocks of purely continental origin with an age ranging around Permian. The Rhodope massif is therefore a part of the crust, of a purely continental origin, detached from the northern part of Africa during the early stages of the breakup of the Mega continent Pangaia and incorporated into the southern part of the Eurasian Plate, and can therefore be characterized as the oldest age section in the whole country. Rhodope massif consists of two units, the first one is the Sidironeron unit and the other is the unit of the Pageo. The petrography of Rhodope is composed of marbles, slates, genus, amphibolites, etc., and much more recent igneous penetrations. In the western part, the mass of Rhodope is bordered by the SerboMacedonian unit, which presents almost the same composition as the Rhodope massif, with the only difference that the Serbian-Macedonian has not been transformed in such high conditions of metamorphism. Regarding the morphology of the area there is a huge elevation difference in the area, dividing it in northern part, with the Rhodope Mountains and in the Southern part with the plains which are covered with sediments of Neogene. This large crustal zone of northern Greece exceeds 120 km in length, and its lineup varies from W-E to WSW-ENE.
Πλήρες Κείμενο:
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Διαδικτυακές πηγές
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Διαγράμματα Schmidt, Win_Tensor_5-8-9.
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