Τεχνικογεωλογική αποτύπωση κατολίσθησης και έρευνα επί των συνθηκών ευστάθειας στην περιοχή Περιστέρι Μετσόβου = Engineering geological landslide surveying and stability analysis in the area or Peristeri Metsovo.
In the framework of postgraduate studies, the present work was carried out on the modern movements of a large paleolandslide in the wider area of Peristeri, Metsovo, in western Greece, Epirus, along the Egnatia Road, Department of Igoumenitsa-Panagia and the old national road passing through the foot of landslide. This thesis was also based on office and field work. The field work was focused on geological and geological engineering mapping, with the co-evaluation of both field and geotechnical research projects that took place during the study of the motorway of Egnatia Highway. Apart from the writing of this thesis, the main office work was the creation of the geological and technical geological map of the region and the corresponding geological, geological engineering and geotechnical sections, analysis of available data relating to instrumental geotechnical monitoring and determination of the failure mechanism. The landslide is distinguished in two sections A and B length 390m and 620m and width 320m and 300m respectively for both parts. The listed movements approach the 25m failure depth with a current sliding rate of 1-2mm/month that classifies it into a creep type. The maximum failure depth is located in the landslide A at 52m, based on drilling and instrumental geotechnical monitoring. The materials that dominate the region are the flysch of the Ionian Zone, the flysch of Pindos and intermediate these the tectonic formation that has emerged from the thrust of the Pindos zone onto the Ionian Zone. The geological region is located a little further south of the front, so its formations were strongly influenced by this action. Today they appear extremely disintegrated, with the dominance of a chaotic structure which, as a result, has a great reduction in their mechanical characteristics.
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