Ορυκτολογική, ισοτοπική μελέτη και μελέτη ρευστών εγκλεισμάτων σε φλεβικές διεισδύσεις των ηφαιστειακών πετρωμάτων της περιοχής Κορνοφωλιάς, Έβρου = Mineralogical, isotopic and fluid inclusion study of veins intruding the volcanic rocks of the Κornofolia area, Εvros.
The volcanic rocks of Kornofolia area, Evros, host a number of epithermal-type veins. The host rocks are Oligocene calc-alkaline andesites. The andesites form hydrothermal breccias and show hydrothermal alteration. The veins comprise mainly silica polymorphs such as quartz, chalcedony and three types of opal (milky white, transparent and green). Apart from the silica polymorphs, the veins are accompanied
by calcite and zeolites while amethyst veins have also been found in the same area. Transparent opal displays play of color therefore is characterized as precious. Using FTIR and XRD analyses, transparent and white opals are characterized as opal-C and green opal is characterized as opal-CT. Celadonite, zeolites (mordenite and clinoptilolite), chlorite and argillic minerals (montmorillonite and nontronite) were found by XRD and SWIR analyses to be the alteration minerals of the andesite. Those alteration zones are characterized as intermediate argillic to propylitic and the system as low sulphidation epithermal. The hydrothermal solutions that formed the veins consist of a mixture of magmatic with meteoric and/or sea water. The salinities of the solutions, calculated by the fluid inclusions, range from 0.9 to 4.5 wt % NaCl and the homogenization temperature between 121-175°C. At the western part of the andesite the alteration minerals are mainly the argillic minerals. At the eastern part of the andesite apart from the argillic minerals there have also been found zeolites and the andesite is more silicified. The differentiation on the type of alteration minerals indirectly reflects a difference at the depth of the sea basin where the western part mast have been deeper and the eastern part shallower. The veins that intrude the andesite are related with the more acidic volcanic rocks. Furthermore, the veins have been affected by the mafic-ultramaffic rocks of the broader area as well as, by the sediments of the basin where the volcanic rocks were found.
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