Περλίτης: γένεση, παγκόσμια και ελληνικά κοιτάσματα, παραγωγή, χρήσεις και προοπτικές = Perlites: genesis, global and greek deposits, production, uses and perspectives.
Nowadays, industrial rocks and minerals are used in many sectors, from industry and building, to agriculture and environmental conservation. Perlite is one of the most important industrial rocks and minerals not only in Greece but also in a global scale. Specifically, Greece lies in the second place of global perlite production ranking, first being China. Perlite deposits are related to Tertiary or more recent volcano activity which is found along the Alpine geotectonic system. Consecutively, significant perlite deposits are located in China, Greece, the USA, Italy and Hungary, countries that occupy the top places of global perlite production ranking. This thesis target at the bibliographical study of perlite deposits, the way they are formed and the uses of perlite and its products, as well as the presentation of statistic data regarding perlite production.
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Διαδικτυακές Πηγές
Aegean Perlites SA, https://www.aegean-perlites.com/el/
Dicalite Management Group, https://www.dicalite.com/location/socorro-nm/
Mines, Minerals and More, https://www.mindat.org/
Mining in the Cyclades Islands, https://www.behance.net/gallery/20733343/Mining-in-the-Cyclades-Islands
Perlite https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:2005perlite.PNG
Perlite Institute https://www.perlite.org/
Perlite Production and Use, 2018, https://www.globalearthregeneration.com/ resources/perlite-production-and-use-2018/
Perlite Statistics and Information, USGS, https://www.usgs.gov/centers/nmic/perlite-statistics-and-information
United States Geological Survey, https://www.usgs.gov/
Ορυχείο περλίτη στον Τράχηλα, http://www.geo.auth.gr/google/milos/route_1/1-5.htm
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