Συνοπτική μελέτη τροπικών κυκλώνων κατά την μετάβαση τους μεταξ'υ του τροπικούθ ατλαντικού και ειρηνικού ωκεανού = Synoptic study of tropical cyclones during their transition between the tropical atlantic and pacific ocean.
This project studies the process of birth and action of tropical cyclones or hurricanes in the Earth's atmosphere. The instability conditions that affect the creation of the system are analyzed and its evolution into a tropical cyclone, too. At the same time, the project describes the weather conditions, its anatomy, the period of creation, as well as its geographical location and movement that accompany such a system. Taking into account the elements that are provided by satellite meteorological data and historical data, we can compose the puzzle of this extreme weather phenomenon and study it throughout its operation. Thus, the study of the work focuses mainly on these hurricanes that moved in the Atlantic Ocean and reached the coast of the east America. At this point, and specifically above the warm Gulf of Mexico, we find in some cases a so-called feedback system. Therefore, as the hurricane appears to be weakening, some conditions of instability boosted it to turn into a tropical storm. These tropical storms continued their course, eventually weakening in the Pacific Ocean. Three of such cases are analyzed in this article. These are hurricanes Cesar, Iris and Barbara. The Cesar appeared at the end of July 1996 and the barometric low showed a minimum pressure of 942mb. Douglas was later renamed by the World Meteorological Organization and his last bodies were found in the Pacific Ocean. According to the data recorded by satellites, we can study the course and the action of the specific system, the atmospheric conditions during the days and hours of its operation and also the weather that is observed in the affected areas. The effects on the economies of the regions, the cost of damage and the loss of human lives are also presented. Then we meet hurricane Iris, which appeared in the first days of October 2001. In this destructive hurricane, the minimum atmospheric pressure was recorded at 948 mb. In this case, the project focuses on those elements that show how the hurricane behaves and what its meteorological characteristics are. Iris transformed to the tropical storm Manuel that lasted another ten days west of the American continent in the Pacific Ocean. Finally, hurricane Barbara is introduced. We analyze its meteorological history and the features that accompany it, such as the minimum pressure at 983mb. It appeared in late May 2013 and changed into a tropical storm called Andrea a few days later. In this case, too, it is analyzed the route of the tropical depression in the two oceans and the overall impact on the earth's surface.
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