Αξιολόγηση Πετρογραφικών και Φυσικομηχανικών Χαρακτηριστικών για τη Χρήση Γρανιτικών Πετρωμάτων ως Αδρανή Οδοποιίας = Assessment of Petrographic and Physicomechanical Characteristics of Granitic Rocks for their Use as Aggregates for Road Construction.
Granite, one of the most widely known igneous rocks, is comprised of minerals with different hardness and it is used for many purposes. Among the others is used as an aggregate in road construction. Granite is characterized by significant hardness and resistance to weathering, but its processing is expensive. In this master thesis, after dividing and analyzing the terms «pavement» and «aggregate», according to the European standards EN 1097-2, EN 1097-8 and EN 1367-2, four samples of granite from different areas in Northern Greece (Fanos, Azapiko, 1km North of Nikitas and Arnea) are examined as to their physicomechanical properties. This examination is conducted in order to evaluate whether they are appropriate to use in the upper part of the pavement. The tests that take place are as follows: Los Angeles, Polished Stone Value, Aggregate Abrasion Value and Magnesuim Sulfate Soundness. All the tests (Magnesium Sulfate Soundness test, Polished Stone Value, Aggregate Abrasion Value) displayed positive results, apart the Los Angeles test. The values obtained for the latter test indicate that none of the analyzed samples can be used as an aggregate for road surface. Moreover, a petrographic examination is conducted, both macroscopically and with the use of a polarizing microscope. Based on the aforementioned characteristics, an attempt to correlate the EN tests with the minerals and grain size is made. The correlations produced a wide variety of results, with some characteristics displaying a strong relationship, while others not. Correlations were found between the percentages of minerals with the magnesium sulfate soundness and the aggregate abrasion value tests. As for the first one, it is concluded that when an aggregate contains K-feldspar in large amounts the results are inappropriate, while the higher the percentages of plagioclaste and mica produces better magnesium sulfate soundness results. Also, the percentage of quartz appears to have a weak relationship with the above test. As for the percentages of minerals concerning the aggregate abrasion value (AAV) test, showed that with the accretion of quartz and K-feldspar the outcome of the test becomes suitable for construction. On the other hand, the increase of plagioclaste and mica percentages appear to produce values which render the aggregate inadequate. The only correlation found between the percentages of minerals and the Los Angeles test was that of biotite. The more the biotite the better the results. About the grain sizes it is concluded from the diagrams that fine grain rocks give low Los Angeles values, while coarse grain rocks give low to high AAV and PSV values, respectively. Additionally, a moderate correlation is noticeable between micas and resistance to polishing as well as a weak correlation with the K- fieldspars. The increase in micas content tend to give low polishing values. Finally, there were no correlations between the percentages of quartz and plagioclaste with the aforementioned test. It is suggested that a) a further petrographic examination would be useful in order to identify other factors that may affect the mechanical properties of rocks and b) each time a road is constructed, whether it is to be of high or low traffic, it is essential that the aggregates’ petrographic characteristics are thoroughly examined, as, by this way, their mechanical behavior can be predicted.
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