Μηχανική συμπεριφορά των ταμιευτήρων για την παραγωγή δυσικού αερίου και πετρελαίου = Behavior of oil and gas reservoir during production.
Λέξεις Κλειδία: πετροφυσικές ιδιότητες, υδρογονάνθρακας, ταμιευτήρας, ανάλυση PVT
The aim of this Bachelor thesis is to examine the behavior of oil and gas reservoirs during production. The petrophysical properties of the hydrocarbon reservoir rocks are presented. A description of the mechanical behavior of the reservoir along with several formulas used in reservoir engineering to determine important parameters related to production rate, are introduced and analyzed. Finally, reference is made to the PVT analysis [Pressure - Volume - Temperature (PVT) analysis] which is the process of determining the fluid behaviors and properties of oil and gas samples from an existing well.
Key Words: petrophysical properties, hydrocarbon, reservoir, PVT analysis
Πλήρες Κείμενο:
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{Dake L. P.] Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering , σελίδες 1-50
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Chapman, R.E., 1973. Petroleum Geology, a Concise Study. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., Amsterdam: 67−76.
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[α] http://www.geo.auth.gr/courses/ggg/ggg105y/html/daonpiaoa.html
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