Μελέτη της σεισμικής ακολουθίας του 2003 της Λευκάσας και των δευτερευόντων ρηγμάτων = Study of the faulting complexity and orthogonal structures during the 2003 Lefkada sequence.
On August 14th 2003 an earthquake with magnitude 6.2 occurred at the northwest coastline of Lefkada Island. The earthquake followed by an intense aftershock activity posing severe seismic hazard and damage in the area of Lefkada especially along the northwest coastlines of the Island. Along with the intense onto fault aftershock activity, the activation of secondary active structures and the expansion of aftershock distribution from the northern part to the southern part of Lefkada, up to the northwest coastlines of Kefalonia. The aftershock distribution evidenced the off- fault activity expressed by clusters near the main shock and also far away from it. The aftershock focal mechanisms mainly exhibit a dextral strike slip faulting, although we can recognize in the study area both thrust and normal faults that we will attempt to describe. The features of the activated secondary segments will be displayed by relocated aftershock spatial distribution, fault plane solutions and the cross sections parallel and normal to the strike of the clusters. We will empathize in geometric and seismotectonic characteristics of the activated secondary fault segments, because they are capable to produce intense seismicity and consequently the seismic hazard in the near future close to the main rupture but also in the adjacent structures.
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