Η επίδραση της αύξησης της θερμοκρασίας του αέρα στην έκταση του παγοκαλύμματος στον Αρκτικό κύκλο = The impact of increased air temperature on the argtic sea ice.
Λέξεις κλειδιά: αρκτικό παγοκάλυμμα, παγκόσμια θέρμανση, Αρκτική, ατμοσφαιρική θερμοκρασία
Τhe effects of rising air temperature constitute a major discussion topic among representatives of the scientific community. The Arctic is one of the regions that are most affected by this global warming. Although fluctuations of the ice extent could always be observed throughout the years, the extent of arctic ice has shown a dramatic reduction over the past twenty years. In this thesis, the variation of the arctic ice extent in the years 1980-2019 will be studied, correlated with the atmospheric temperature in this particular region.
Key words: arctic ice extent, global warming, Arctic, atmospheric temperature
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