Γεωχημική έρευνα για την ύπαρξη σπάνιων γαιών σε καρστικούς βωξίτες = Geochemical research on teh findings of rare earth elements in karst bauxites.
Λέξεις κλειδιά:βωξίτες, καρστικοί βωξίτες, σπάνιες γαίες
Abstract: Geochemical data (major elements and REE) of 53 samples of karst bauxite from Greece, China and Turkey are studied in order to find any existing correlations among main elements and the total of rare earth elements. A common characteristic of all samples was that they all contained a sufficient amount of rare earth elements, whilst all of the studied deposits showed signs of an obvious influence from carbonate rocks, due to the fact that almost each one of them were located either inside karst cavities or
on top of carbonate rock formations, since this is a usual feature of the karst bauxite type. The age of the deposits extends from Permian to middle Cretaceous. The results from the correlation tables and the diagrams that were created from this study, indicated a fair correlation among the total of rare earth elements (ΣREE) and light rare earth elements (ΣLREE) with magnesium oxide (MgO) and silicon oxide (SiO2), that was positive on Greece and China, but negative on Turkey [especially among the previously mentioned oxides and the total of heavy rare earth elements (ΣHREE)]. This contrast is probably due to the grouping of the samples from the different karst bauxite horizons from Turkey. This implies that it is important to extend this current study by adding more deposits of karst bauxite. Key words: bauxites, karst bauxites, rare earth elements
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Διαδικτυακές πηγές
Συνοπτική Ορυκτολογία https://player.slideplayer.gr/8/2333479/#
Geology.com https://geology.com/articles/rare-earth-elements/
Εurare.eu http://www.eurare.eu/RareEarthElements.html
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