Ο ρόλος της ορυκτολογικής σύστασης του χρωμιτίτη και του στείρου στην επιλογή της κατάλληλης μεθοδολογίας αποδέσμευσης, της κοκκομετρίας τροφοδοσίας και των μεθόδων εμπλουτισμού μεταλλεύματος από την περιοχή Αετορράχες του όρους Βούρινου = The role of the mineralogical composition of chromitite and gangue in the selection of the appropriate release methodology, the feeding granulometry and the methods of mineral enrichment from the area of Aetorraches of mount Vourinos.
From the "Aetoraches mine" of S. Vourinos mt, Prefecture of Western Macedonia Greece, were collected 4 samples of chromite ore, with a total weight of 60 kg approximately, in which the possibility for the production of chromite concentrate, suitable for all industrial applications was investigated. Thin sections of the samples were examined under a metallographic and petrographic microscope. The samples crushed and classified in laboratory sieves No "1.5", "1.0", "0.5", "0.3" & "0.125" mm. In each granulometric fraction, was performed further examination of the mineral composition using the X-ray diffraction (XRD) method and the chemical composition using the X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) method. In addition, a representative sample from each granulometric fraction, was examined under stereoscope, in order to estimate the degree of liberation. In selected granulometric fractions, dry magnetic separation was performed in currencies of 0.3 to 1.5 A and representative sample of granulometric fractions were tested in a laboratory shaking table.In the products of the above methods mineralogical analyzes were performed by the method of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and chemical analyzes by the method of X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF). Satisfactory liberation of the ore is found in the granulometric fractions "-0.5 to +0.3" and "-0.3 to +0.125" mm, while an increased percentage (approximately 20 wt.%) of fine product “-0.125” mm was observed on crushing with an average content of 20 wt.% in Cr2O3.From the results of the dry magnetic separation, it appeared that a significant amount of material at a currency of 0.75 A (approximately 40% by weight), can be removed having a Cr2O3 content of about 1.5 wt.%, thus creating a chromite pre-concentrate up to 38 wt.% in Cr2O3.The vibrating table tests showed the ability of producing a concentrate with a content of more than 54 wt.% in Cr2O3, with satisfactory recovery in the individual fractions (up to 80 wt.%). The loss on ignition of the shaking table products, clearly increases (from 0.9 to 13.61 wt.%) from the concentrate to the tailing, while in the feeding material in all the granular fractions the loss on ignition remains almost stable (from 9.8 to 12 wt.%), which indicates the success of the separation. Despite the positive response of the samples to the enrichment tests, the question of the enrichment of the fine materials remains, which as quantity (about 20 wt.%) and content (about 20 wt.% in Cr2O3), reduces the overall recovery of Cr2O3 content, with a direct impact in the economy of the mining process. It is necessary the chromite enrichment test to be further investigated with combined methods of magnetic separation, gravimetric separation and flotation.
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