Το θερμοκρασιακό καθεστώς της Ελλάδας κατα τη χρονική περίοδο 1000-2000 = On the study of the temperature conditions over Greece during the last millenium.
Λέξεις κλειδιά: κλίμα, θερμοκρασία, παλιοκλιματολογία, Ελλάδα, χιλιετία
The present study is prepared within the framework of the undergraduate study program of the geology department of AUTh and the aim of this is the study and analysis of the temperature conditions in Greece during the last millennium. In particular, the temperature data arose from a climatic model for two different grid points in Greece, one in the central country and one in the east. Temperature charts are presented every fifty years, both monthly and annually, as well as by season, and are contrasted with the important events that occurred on Earth in that millennium. More to the point, it is studied whether these events, such as the period of Medieval Warming, the Little Ice Age, as well as the increase in the average global temperature, affected the temperature conditions of the country. In the first part of the thesis there is a description of climatology in general, the Greek climate, as well as the important events and characteristic periods of the study period. The second part presents the data in graphs and analyses them, while at the end the results and some particularly interesting conclusions are presented. Temperature conditions in Greece during the study period seem to follow global changes. More specifically, the period of Medieval Warming and the Little Ice Age are clearly reflected in the temperatures of the country, from 1001 to 1300 AD. and from 1651 to 1850 AD. respectively, while the results of the Industrial Revolution are also noticeable, with a remarkable rise in temperature from about 1850 onwards.
Key-words: climate , temperature , palaioclimatology, Greece, millenium
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