Στατιστική ανάλυση τυπίκών Χονδριτών μετεωριτών: Ο ρόλος της διάβρωσης στη κατανομή τους στη Γη = Statistical analysis of Chondrites meteorites: The role of weathering in their distribution on the Earth.
Λέξεις κλειδιά: Μετεωρίτες, Χονδρίτες, Τυπικοί, Ανθρακούχοι, Ενστατικοί, Rumuruti, πετρογραφικός τύπος, shock stage, αποσάθρωση, βαθμός αποσάθρωσης.
The subject of this thesis is the statistical analysis of chondrite meteorites and in particular, the role of weathering in the samples distribution in the Earth. I refer to the types and meteorite characteristics, focusing on the chondrite meteorites. For the statistical analysis used 17914 samples obtained from the Meteoritical Bulletin database. Firstly, the samples divided by continent and country of recovery, and then by mass, petrographic type, shock stage, fayalite-ferrosilite-wollastonite content, and weathering grade. Most of the samples recovered from Africa (Sahara desert) and Asia (Arabian peninsula). I infer that the differences between the chondrites are not connected with the region where they were found. The weathering grade seems to be unrelated with the environmental conditions, because there are similarities between samples from different climatic regions. This may happens because of the long time that the meteorites stayed in the Earth’s environment and consequently with the prologned interaction with the earth`s atmosphere.
Key words: Meteorites, Chondrites, Ordinary, Carbonaceous, Enstatite, Rumuruti, Class, Shock stage, Weathering, Weathering grade.
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