Μελέτη Βραχοκατάπτωσης & Τεχνικογεωλογική Ανάλυση Θέσης στον οικισμό Πλωμαρίου, Λέσβου με την Συνδρομή ΣΜΗΕΑ και Υπολογιστικών Μεθόδων = Study of Rockfall & Engineering Geological Assessment of the Site in Plomari, Lesvos via UAV and Computational Methods.
On November the 24th, 2018 a major rockfall occurred in the village of Plomari, in SW Lesvos Island, Greece. Thirty-seven (37) residents were forced to evacuate. The event is the latest one in a series of natural disasters that have plagued the island in the last years, among which the earthquake of July 12, 2016 stands out. In this study, the latest advancements in surveying and computing technology were used in parallel with conventional engineering geological approaches, in order to investigate the mechanism and catalyst factors behind the event, as well as to further assess the site from the perspective of engineering geology: established geological field tools (technical sketches, samples, compass, profilometer, Schmidt hammer) were used in combination with a quadcopter U.A.V.. The vehicle performed an aerial survey from which a high-accuracy 3D model (point cloud) was obtained. The negative space produced by the failing block was directly exploited on the point cloud to reconstruct the block in AutoCAD & Rhino and use it to perform a back-analysis. The latter showcased a complex failure mechanism of slide & topple and suggested that water pressure acted as the triggering factor. An engineering geological model describing the general failure mechanism of the slope was constructed and used to assess the present and future stability of the site. Additional measurements were obtained from the point cloud using Riquelme’s methodology and used for kinematic analysis of the slope, while a custom-made algorithm, based on the engineering geological model was developed and used in combination with the results of the kinematic analysis to identify hazardous blocks. A large unstable block was pinpointed, and its stability was assessed via calculations of the Safety Factor for an array of stress scenarios.
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