Οι υπεράκτιες εγκαταστάσεις παραγωγής, αποθήκευσης και εκφόρτωσης υδρογονοανθράκων = Floating production, storge and offloading facilities (EPSO)
This paper examines the offshore drilling, production, storage, and distribution processes of hydrocarbons. It presents how hydrocarbons are generated, the research carried out to identify potential deposits as well as the exploratory drilling that takes place to determine whether the existing deposit is economically viable. If production is confirmed to be feasible, additional drilling, studies, and sampling tests follow. Furthermore, the difference between Drilling Rigs and Production Platforms becomes clear. The drilling and production process is presented in more detail concerning all the equipment used. Part of the equipment is the system for monitoring and controlling all processes through software. Also, the characteristics and advantages of the various types of offshore structures as well as the subsea production system are given. An integral part of the production is the processing of oil and gas as well as petrochemicals and refining products. The composition of these and the processes followed to be exported with the required quality to the market becomes clear. The last part of the paper is for the onshore or offshore storage of hydrocarbons and their transport through pipelines or tankers. They are unloaded at the receiving facilities, usually in specially designed ports. In conclusion, this paper justifies that the complex procedures followed are necessary to distribute high-quality products that can be competitive in the global market.
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