Συνοπτική ανάλυση του Μεσογειακού χαμηλού με χαρακτηριστικά τροπικού κυκλώνα του Οκτωβρίου 2016 = Synoptic analysis of the Mediterranean tropical-like cyclone of October 2016.
Key words: Μεσογειακός κυκλώνας, Trixie, θερμός πυρήνας, μάτι, Μάλτα, Σικελία, Κρήτη, Medicane, Trixie, warm core, eye, Malta, Silicy, Crete
This study deals with the genesis and evolution of a low pressure system with tropical cyclone characteristics in the Mediterranean (MEDIterranean hurriCANE - medicane). In the first place, a literature review is made regarding genesis, development and characteristics of medicanes and then some cases are described which have been studied extensively in previous years. Indicatively, medicanes show some special features, such as a free-cloud “eye” in the center of a barometric low and a warm core structure. They can also cause major damage especially in the affected coastal areas. In this study, the synoptic conditions, the track and the structure of the cyclone were analyzed. A trough formed at noon on October 26 2016 between Sardinia and Italy, which was associated with a frontal system, and caused a cut-off low in the central Mediterranean. Afterwards, the low pressure system moved over the sea where it started to exhibit tropical-like characteristics on 28/10/2016 20:00 UTC. About two and a half days later it passed near landfall of the southern Peloponnese and Crete and over Rhodes where it gradually disintegrated in a high vertical wind-shear environment, maintaining its medicane profile for 58 hours. Strong upward movements associated with deep convection caused heavy precipitation in many areas of Malta, Silicy and Greece in the presence of strong winds. Based on the creation of zonal sections, the winds seem to have been particularly strong from 29/10 at 12:00 UTC to 31/10 at 12:00 UTC, i.e., for a total of 48 hours, both in the meridional-v and horizontal-u component of the wind. Finally, the conclusions are presented in which it was found that the information obtained from the satellite images and the diagrams made by ground observations of the meteorological stations are in accordance with the horizontal and vertical sections based on the operational analyzes of the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) as well as the UKMET synoptic charts. This fact reveals that this Mediterranean cyclone exhibited typical tropical-like characteristics.
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Ελληνική Βιβλιογραφία
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