Οι αλυκές και το Μουσείο Άλατος στο Μεσολόγγι - Ορυκτολογική και ορυκτοχημική μελέτη = Salt pans and the Salt Museum of Missolonghi - A mineralogical and geochemical study
This thesis, having as a springboard the production and formulation of edible salt, investigates the processes related to salt extraction and the function and presence of salt pans on a domestic level. Starting with a short historical analysis on the presence of salt pans in Greece, the survey elaborates on their structure and function, focusing on the ones located in Missolonghi. Following this introduction, data on the geochemical composition of the salt as well as its processing methods are presented and explained alongside the geochemical analysis of samples taken from the Tourlida salt pan. In the end, the formation and function of the Missolonghi Salt Museum are presented and described in order to highlight its substance as a cultural outcome portraying the salt pan-related activity of the area.
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