Υδρογεωλογικές συνθήκες στην πεδινή περιοχή Χαλκηδόνας, Δυτικά του ποταμού Αξιού, Ν.Θεσσαλονίκης = Hydrogeological conditions in Chalkidona field area, West of Axios river, N.Thessaloniki.
Λέξεις-Κλειδιά: Χαλκηδόνα, Αξιός, Υδρογεωλογικές Συνθήκες, Γεωτρήσεις, Υπόγειο Νερό
This dissertation Thesistook place in the lowland area of Chalkidona, which is part of the Prefecture of Thessaloniki, and more specifically in the western part of the river Axios. The main objective of this study is the analysis of hydrogeological conditions prevailing to the west of the Axios river. Geotectonically, the study area belongs to the site of Paikos, and more generally to the zone of Axios. From a geological point of view, the type of formations covering the area are Quaternaryfine-grained sand, sandy clay, clay, conglomeratesand more detailed materials that combine clay and sand. Important is the existence of aquifers arranged in a parallel system and located within the quaternarydeposits.All the information was combined with the identification of the current climatic and meteorological data of the region based on measurements of nearby meteorological stations in the area ofChalkidona and Chalastra. An important part of the study belongs to the investigation and analysis of the coverage of water needs and land uses of the area, based on the CORINE LAND COVER 2000 program. This was followed by the depiction of 10 boreholes of the Thessaloniki Water and Sewerage Company (EYATH), in the area.In order to achieve the study of groundwater levels based on a database of boreholes , data from previous years (2009) were used, as well as two additional measurements were made with special instruments (station meters) in recent years. The first measurement was made in November 2018, and the second in May of the following year(2019). More specifically, the boreholes which the measurements were carried out were: F51, F52, F53, F54, F55, F58, F58A, F60A, F60B and F66.Relevant piezometric maps were then constructed using the Surfer and Q-Gis programs.At the end, the quality of the groundwater in the area was studied in detail and a comparison of dry season (15 September-15 October) with the wet season (15 April-15 May) was carried out.All levels are studied from the sea surface, where is the absolute altitude. Based on the data of the measurements in November 2018, the minimum level of water is located at borehole F58A and is at 7.69m., while the maximum at borehole F52 is at 19.29m. In May of the following year (2019) , the minimum water level was 7.95m and the maximum at 19.42m in the same respective boreholes.In dynamic conditions the conclusions lead to the fact that in November 2018 the minimum level is found in borehole F60B and is of the height of 35.38m, while the maximum in borehole F53 at 56.05m. Then, in May 2019 a minimum dynamic level is found in borehole F54 at 38.53 m. and respectively the maximum in the same borehole as in November,in borehole F53, at 58.71m.
Key-Words: Chalkidona, Axios River, Hydrogeological Conditions, Borehole, Groundwater
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