Στοχαστική μοντελοποίηση της σεισμογένεσης στην Ελλάδα: εφαρμογές στην εκτίμηση σεισμικής επικινδυνότητας = Stochastic modeling of seismogenesis in Greece: applications for seismic hazard assessment.
Seismic hazard assessment of complex fault systems attracts the interest of the scientific community, especially in countries that are often struck by strong earthquakes, like Greece. The estimation of the occurrence time of future earthquakes, in a certain region, consists an indispensable part of the studies that are related to the investigation of seismic activity. The main goal of this dissertation is the extraction of reliable results regarding the estimation of probabilities of occurrence of upcoming earthquakes in regions that are characterized by intense seismic activity, namely the Corinth Gulf, central Ionian Islands, North Aegean area and the Greek territory. The Stress Release Model, has been investigated, where elastic strain is accumulated in a fault due to tectonic loading and is released when an earthquake occurs. A modification of the model has been proposed, where the memory of the point process is examined, such that the genesis of a subsequent earthquake depends only on the m most recent arrival times. The Linked Stress Release Model, which is an extended version of the original model, investigates the interactions among faults and regions allowing excitation or damping of the seismic activity of adjacent regions, due to stress transfer. Different ways for the determination of the interactions have been given, including check of the confidence intervals of the transfer parameters, application of statistical criteria and introduction of a priori constraints based on the geophysical meaning. Regarding the short-term seismicity, the statistical model named Epidemic Type Aftershock Sequence (ETAS) model, has been applied. For each study area an epidemic model has been suggested based on data derived from a learning period in which the model is “trained” in the spatio-temporal pattern of seismicity, in order to be able to quickly adjust after the genesis of a strong earthquake and predict future events. A retrospective check of the performance of the model is then carried out in a verification period, which should ideally include a strong event. Apart from checking the daily probabilities of occurrence of events above a certain magnitude threshold, the comparison comprised the number of – observed and expected according to the model – events in a daily basis. The spatial distribution of the expected events has also been estimated through maps of time-dependent seismicity, aiming at testing if it is consistent with the positions of the observed events. The method of Pattern Informatics has finally been adopted. Contingency tables have been constructed, in which the number of earthquakes that have successfully been predicted, the number of false alarms, the number of successful predictions of non-occurrence and the number of earthquakes that haven’t been predicted, are computed. The evaluation of the performance of the model has been carried out by means of statistical tools, such as the Hit Rate, the False Alarm Rate, the probability gain and the R-score. Relative Operating Characteristic diagrams have been created in order to find out if the results are related to reliable estimations regarding the evolution of an aftershock sequence.
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