Εξυγίανση ρυπασμένου εδάφους με χρήση φυσικού ζεόλιθου = Remediation of contaminated soils using natural zeolite.
Soil samples from the area of Agios Dimitrios power plant in Kozani, were collected from three horizons, horizon A (0-10 cm depth), horizon B (45-75 cm depth) and horizon C (90-120 cm depth). Mixtures of soil samples were prepared with 5 wt%, 10 wt% and 25 wt% zeolitic tuff of HEU-type (clinoptilolite-heulandite). The Zeolitic tuff contains 83 wt% clinoptilolite, 3 wt% clay minerals + muscovite, 3 wt% quartz, 3 wt% plagioclase and 8 wt% amorphous materials. Soil samples/mixtures contain calcite (25-46 wt%), amorphous materials (8-25 wt%), quartz (9-17 wt%), clinoptilolite (0-21 wt%), clay minerals (3-10 wt%) and in lower percentages serpentine, plagioclase, amphibole, talc, ettringite, muscovite and dolomite. The concentration of Na and K in the leachates, shows a positive correlation with the percentage of participation of the clinoptilolitic zeolitic tuff in the soil mixtures, that of Ca shows a negative correlation, while that of Mg shows a slightly negative correlation. The concentration of Sr in the leachates of all samples is very low, while that of Fe and Mn are below the detection limit. The Mo concentration in the leachates of the soil samples/mixtures is below the detection limit up to 33 μg/L and is due to the participation of the clinoptilolitic zeolitic tuff. The Leachability of Cr in the clinoptilolitic zeolitic tuff is below the detection limit. The leachability rate of Cr in the soil samples increases with depth and is 0.003% for horizon A, 0.006% for horizon B and 0.020% for horizon C. The concentrations of Cr in the leachates of soil samples/mixtures of horizon A are 22-31 μg/L. The participation of clinoptilolitic zeolitic tuff at a rate of 25 wt% in the soil mixture of horizon C, reduces the concentration of Cr in the leachate from 107 μg/L to 83 μg/L namely, reduces the leaching (release) of Cr by 22.4%, while in the soil mixture of horizon B, reduces the concentration of Cr in the leachate from 55 μg/L to 41 μg/L namely, reduces the leaching (release) of Cr by 25.5%.
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