Χρονικά Εξαρτώμενη Σεισμικότητα στην Ιταλία = Time-Dependent Seismicity in Italy.
The time-dependent seismicity in the broader region of Italy is examined by applying the Decelerating – Accelerating Strain release (D-AS) model. For the needs of this study, an earthquake catalog of the broader region is compiled. The catalog includes information on the focal parameters of its earthquakes, extracted from various national and international seismological centers. The catalogue is homogeneous in respect to the magnitudes as they are all expressed in the moment magnitude scale. The D-AS model is applied in two phases. First, an attempt is made to identify decelerating and accelerating seismicity patterns prior to strong earthquakes that occurred in the study area. Specifically, all the earthquakes, which occurred in the broader region of Italy within the last 20 years (2000-2020) with magnitudes Mw6.0 were examined. Grid search was performed with step 0.2o aiming at identifying precursory patterns which may had started several years before the occurrence of the examined strong earthquakes. It is shown that some of these target earthquakes had been preceded by decelerating and accelerating seismicity. Furthermore, such decelerating and accelerating seismic strain release is currently observed in three regions for which an attempt is made to estimate (predict) the basic focal parameters of the respective three, probably ensuing, strong earthquakes.
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Βιβλιογραφία Παραρτήματος
Baba A., Papadimitriou E., Papazachos B., Papaioannou C., Karakostas B. (2000), Unified Local Magnitude Scale for Earthquakes of South Balkan Area, “Pure appl. Geophys.”, 157, 765-783.
Duni L., Kuka S., Kuka N. (2010), Local Relations For Converting ML to Mw in Souther-Western Balkan Region, “Acta Good. Geoph. Hung.”, 45 (3), 317-323.
Papazachos, B.C., Karakostas, V.G., Kiratzi, A.A., Margaris, B.N., Papazachos, C.B. and Scordilis, E.M., (2002). Uncertainties in the estimation of earthquake magnitudes in Greece, “J. Seismol.”, 6, 557-570.
Scordilis, E.M., (2006). Emprical global relations converting Ms and mb to moment magnitude. “J. Seismol.”, 10:225-236, doi: 10.1007/s10950-006-9012-4
Τσαμπάς, Α. (2006) Το μοντέλο του κρίσιμου σεισμού σε περιοχές χαμηλής σεισμικότητας της Ευρώπης, “Διατριβή Ειδίκευσης”, Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, 135 σελ.
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