Πρόγνωση τιμών φυσικού αερίου με Machine Learning =Forecasting Natural Gas Spot Prices with Machine Learning.
The ability to forecast the price of natural gas benefits stakeholders and has become a valuable tool for all market participants in competitive gas markets. In this paper an attempt is made to forecast the natural gas spot prices using machine learning methods and specifically with Support Vector Machines (SVM), Regression Trees, Linear Regression, Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) and Ensemble of Trees. These models are trained by using a set of 21 explanatory variables. We utilize the 5 fold-cross-validation method with 90% of the natural gas spot price data for model training and the remaining 10% of data for testing purposes of unknown data. The results show that these machine learning methods all have different forecasting accuracy when it comes to forecasting natural gas spot prices. However, the Bagged Trees (belonging to the Ensemble of Trees method) and Linear Regression models have an improved forecasting performance compared to the rest.
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