Δυναμικός υποβιβασμός κλίμακας του περιοχικού κλιματικού μοντέλου RegCM για την ελληνική περιοχή: Στατιστική ανάλυση, δυναμική αξιολόγηση, επιπτώσεις και μελλοντικά σενάρια = Dynamical downscaling of regional climate model RegCM for the Greek region: Statistical assessment, dynamical evaluation, effects and future scenarios.
The aim of the present thesis was to improve the simulations of regional climate model RegCM4 for the Mediterranean region, in order to produce more dependable high-resolution projections for the development and analysis of future climate in Greece by the end of the 21st century. On a first step, the ability of regional climate model RegCM4 to simulate satisfactorily temperature, precipitation, and mean sea level pressure in the area of study was tested using E-OBS database. Taking into account the important role played by the different physics parameterizations of the regional climate model, the choice of a general circulation model that is used as a driving field in the simulations, as well as the area of interest (topography and land use) in the simulation of the climate, a sensitivity analysis of RegCM4 to the different physics parameterizations was conducted, using a number of parameters that are assumed to be affected by these configurations. From the evaluation of this sensitivity analysis, the possible changes in the model’s configurations that could be considered as the most appropriate combination for RegCM4 simulations in the Mediterranean region occurred. For this purpose, mean temperature and total precipitation data from the ERA-Interim database, as well as corresponding data from 18 stations that cover the Mediterranean region and derive from the ECA&D daily observations database, were utilized. Subsequently, the dynamical downscaling of regional climate model RegCM4 was performed and the necessity of a high-resolution climate model in areas with complex terrain was highlighted. This objective was achieved by comparing the initial simulation (25×25km) to the high-resolution simulation (10×10km) in Greece. Finally, the future projections of climate in Greece until the end of the 21st century were developed and analyzed according to RCP4.5 emission scenario, using the high-resolution projection (10 km).
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