Ανάλυση του μεσογειακού χαμηλού με χαρακτηριστικά τροπικού κυκλώνα του Νοεμβρίου 2017 = Analysis of the Mediterranean tropical-like cyclone if November 2017.
The presence of systems with tropical cyclone characteristics in the Mediterranean became known only in recent decades. These systems were called Mediterranean cyclones, also known as medicanes from the composition of the words Mediterranean Hurricanes. They are very dangerous phenomena that can cause extensive damage in the form of torrential rainfall, floods, strong winds and tornadoes. In some cases they have caused hundreds of deaths and their economic impact is huge. Any region of the Mediterranean can be affected. The predominant areas of formation are the western Mediterranean and the Basin of the Ionian Sea.The purpose of this work was to analyze a barometric low in the period 15-19 November 2017 which in its lifetime acquired the characteristics of a medicane. At the low were given the names Medicane Numa from the Free University of Berlin and Mediterranean cyclone Zenon from the National Observatory of Athens. The analysis of the system was based on operational gridded analyses by the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts, weather maps of the UK Meteorological Service, meteorological observations, satellite data and lightning data.The parent low came from mainland Italy, moved westwards and was located over the Tyrrhenian Sea on November 15. Then the low moved south and east passing south of Sicily and Malta on November 16. In the evening hours of November 16, it acquired a northern track moving towards the northern Ionian Sea where it remained until the afternoon hours of November 18. It acquired the characteristics of a tropical-like cyclone in the period 17/11/2017 12UTC - 18/11/2017 12UTC. Finally, it made landfall over Greece before dissolving on the shores of Asia Minor. The most extreme precipitation value in a weather station was 84 mm while according to satellite data it was estimated at 220 mm. The system developed in an area with warm sea surface temperature anomalies relative to the climatology. Also important was the contribution of the closed low of geopotential heights in the middle troposphere in combination with the intrusions of the dynamic tropopause before the acquisition of tropical characteristics.
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