Νέες γεωτρήσεις στο γεωθερμικό πεδίο Λιθοτόπθ-Ηράκλειας Νομού Σερρών - Τεχνικά χαρακτηριστικά και δοκιμαστικές αντλήσεις = New geothernal wells in the geothermal field of Lithotopos-Heraklia (Serres) - Techical characteristics and plumping tests.
The present thesis deals with the drilling of four (4) new geothermal production wells (Li-1NP to Li-4NP) in the geothermal field of Lithotopos-Heraklia (Serres), and mainly focuses on their technical characteristics, the temperature vs. depth measurements and the pumping tests. The wells were constructed by the Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration during the period 2016-2018, in the frame of a geothermal exploration project of the local Municipality. The maximum depth of the wells was 519,5m. The geothermal fluids were found at relatively shallow depths (250m to 500m below ground surface), inside sedimentary formations, as well as at the top of the fractured basement. The temperature at the bottom of the boreholes ranges between 62οC and 75οC, whereas at the well head from 38,4οC to 51.8οC. All four wells display artesian flow, with flow-rates between 1,5 m3/h and 25 m3/h. Based on the long-term pumping tests, the hydraulic characteristics of the geothermal reservoirs (hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity and storativity) were calculated. According to the chemical analyses of the water samples from the wells, the geothermal fluids are classified as Na-HCO3 waters, with Total Dissolved Salts at 549-1319 mg/l. The total exploitable flow-rate from the existing production wells is 150m3/h. The temperature, the quantity, as well as the quality of the fluids, indicate that they could be used for direct uses, mainly in the agricultural sector (heating of greenhouses and soil) or for balneotherapy.
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