Υγρομαγματικά κοιτάσματα χρωμίτη στρωματόμορφου τύπου = Stratiform chromite deposits.
Λέξεις κλειδιά: Bushveld, Χρωμίτης, Στρωματόμορφος
This diploma thesis focuses on the study of the stratiform chromite deposits globally. These deposits that can only be found in intraplate craton areas and owe their existence in intrusions of mafic - ultramafic magma. The main features of these deposits are the stratiform growth of successive layers and that they are incredibly rich in chromite, with significant quantities of Platinum Group Elements. The most important stratiform deposits in the world are the Bushveld Complex, the Stillwater Complex and the Great Dyke. The chromite is primarily hosted by harzburgite and feldspathic pyroxenite. There are 3 types of chromite that can be found in stratiform deposits: a) Disseminated, b) Schlieren and c) Massive. The ratio of Cr/Fe is of great importance for the quality of the deposit.
Key words: Bushveld, Chromite, Stratiform
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