Μετρήσεις μαγνητικής επιδεκτικότητας και ηλεκτρική τομογραφία σε θέση εμφάνισης διαστακκαζοντων από το χώρο απόθεσης απορριμμάτων = Magnetic susceptibility measurments and electrical tomography in a possible leakage of a waste disposal area.
The present survey was carried out in the Environmental Park of Thermi, in the area where it used to be a landfill, in order to study a possible leakage of leachate in the wider area. Since several years, the landfill has been rehabilitated and waste has been covered by red clay. As part of the work, magnetic and electrical measurements scans were applied. The measured quantities are magnetic susceptibility and electrical resistivity, respectively. Measurements were made along the entrance of the area where the leachate is pumped in order to be transferred for organic cleaning. At the same time soil samples were collected along the entrance, inside the leachate area. Sampling of the top soil of the wider area was also carried out. The purpose of collecting the samples is the laboratory measurement of the magnetic susceptibility in order to find a possible anomaly which would be correlated with soil contamination. The electrical tomography was conducted alongside of the entrance (23m) and aims to display the profile of the subsoil for possible contamination of the lower horizons. The results of the measurements are presented in tables and diagrams where the anomalies are discernible. Based on these anomalies, the possible effects on the environment and on humans are discussed and solutions to these problems are proposed.
Πλήρες Κείμενο:
Ελληνόγλωσση Βιβλιογραφία
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Ξενόγλωσση Βιβλιογραφία
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